8  Data wrangling

8.1 Cleaning our data in R

R > excel

Before we begin wrangling our data set, let’s quickly discuss why cleaning data in R is important. First and foremost, my Excel file never needs to change. Along with this, I only need to save it once. No saving a new copy every time I make a new column or want to write a formula.

In this section, we will go over some important packages and key functions that will aid in the transition from Excel-based data wrangling to exclusively R-based data wrangling. SO, without further ado, lettuce begin.

What we use to wrangle

When we wrangle our data sets, there is one ‘umbrella’ package I find to be the most versatile. This is tidyverse. Tidyverse houses many useful packages for data manipulation, but in this section I will only be referring to one. This package is dplyr. While I rely on this package a lot, I also use functions pre-installed in Base R while wrangling.

Please see the wrangling cheat sheets here.

8.2 dplyr Examples

Let’s start by installing the needed packages. Remember to remove the # symbol to install these packages. We will also call in our Palmer Penguins data set that you downloaded earlier.



data(package = 'palmerpenguins') #investigating the pieces of this data set. How many data sets are there? 

NAs in R

Before we begin, we must first check for missing values. R does not love when NAs get thrown into the mix, especially when running numerical commands, like the mean function.
To resolve any missing values, we must first determine if there are any NAs, and where they may be.

First, we will look to see IF and WHERE potential NAs are in our data set. We will do this by using the which function, followed by the is.na function within our penguins data set. What these two functions do together is which locates all of the columns where NAs are present, based on the is.na function. If we wanted to find all of the columns where there were no NAs, we could simply change is.na to !is.na.

In this example, my command is to determine where the NAs are. Using the arr.ind = TRUE command, I am telling R to show me exactly where they are. In this example we are using penguins_raw.


This is the only section that will use the raw data set in the example.

which(is.na(penguins_raw), arr.ind = TRUE) #checking for NA locations in penguins_raw

Now that we see there are NAs riddled throughout, we will name a new object (using the same name), but omitting all NAs.

In this example, I am using the na.omit function to remove all NAs from our penguin data set. I am also naming this new object (penguins_raw again for ease).

penguins_raw <-
  na.omit(penguins_raw) #I must add this because there are NAs within this data set and these functions will not work otherwise 


Let’s start by selecting for only the columns we are interested in. This can be useful when removing variables we are not currently interested in. Remember, at any manipulation, you can save the changes as a new object which will maintain the integrity of the original if you must back track for whatever reason.

In this example, we use the select function to choose which columns we want to look at. Notice, we are back to using penguins!

# select()
penguins %>% #From the penguins data set
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) # selecting columns species, bill_length, and      year 
# A tibble: 344 × 3
   species bill_length_mm  year
   <fct>            <dbl> <int>
 1 Adelie            39.1  2007
 2 Adelie            39.5  2007
 3 Adelie            40.3  2007
 4 Adelie            NA    2007
 5 Adelie            36.7  2007
 6 Adelie            39.3  2007
 7 Adelie            38.9  2007
 8 Adelie            39.2  2007
 9 Adelie            34.1  2007
10 Adelie            42    2007
# ℹ 334 more rows

Now that we have selected for certain columns, let’s say we want to view everything except for one or several columns. Instead of typing out every column we want, we can simple type out the one(s) we don’t.

In this example, I tell R to remove the sex column using the select function again.

# select()
penguins %>% #From the penguins data set
  select(-sex)# selecting all columns except for sex
# A tibble: 344 × 7
   species island    bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g
   <fct>   <fct>              <dbl>         <dbl>             <int>       <int>
 1 Adelie  Torgersen           39.1          18.7               181        3750
 2 Adelie  Torgersen           39.5          17.4               186        3800
 3 Adelie  Torgersen           40.3          18                 195        3250
 4 Adelie  Torgersen           NA            NA                  NA          NA
 5 Adelie  Torgersen           36.7          19.3               193        3450
 6 Adelie  Torgersen           39.3          20.6               190        3650
 7 Adelie  Torgersen           38.9          17.8               181        3625
 8 Adelie  Torgersen           39.2          19.6               195        4675
 9 Adelie  Torgersen           34.1          18.1               193        3475
10 Adelie  Torgersen           42            20.2               190        4250
# ℹ 334 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: year <int>

Within the select function, you can also look for items based on their spelling. This can be especially helpful if you suspect there to be a spelling error somewhere if your data set. In this example, we will search our data set for any variable name that starts with the letter ‘b’.

# select()
penguins %>% #From the penguins data set
  select(starts_with('b')) # selecting columns that start with 'b' and using starts_with
# A tibble: 344 × 3
   bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm body_mass_g
            <dbl>         <dbl>       <int>
 1           39.1          18.7        3750
 2           39.5          17.4        3800
 3           40.3          18          3250
 4           NA            NA            NA
 5           36.7          19.3        3450
 6           39.3          20.6        3650
 7           38.9          17.8        3625
 8           39.2          19.6        4675
 9           34.1          18.1        3475
10           42            20.2        4250
# ℹ 334 more rows


Now that we have viewed and selected for different columns and such, we manipulate our data set further. We will start by renaming some columns. Notice with rename, there are two methods you can use. One without quotation marks, and one with.

In this example, using the rename function, I am changing ‘species’ to ‘Species and ’year’ to ‘Year’.

# rename()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% #selecting the columns I want to look at
  rename( #rename function. notice here the two methods of changing names
    Species = species, #changing species to Species without quotes
    "Year" = year #changing year to Year with quotes
# A tibble: 344 × 3
   Species bill_length_mm  Year
   <fct>            <dbl> <int>
 1 Adelie            39.1  2007
 2 Adelie            39.5  2007
 3 Adelie            40.3  2007
 4 Adelie            NA    2007
 5 Adelie            36.7  2007
 6 Adelie            39.3  2007
 7 Adelie            38.9  2007
 8 Adelie            39.2  2007
 9 Adelie            34.1  2007
10 Adelie            42    2007
# ℹ 334 more rows


let’s arrange some stuff this is equivalent to sort!

One of the first steps we take in Excel is the sorting of our data sets. Whether that be the sorting of plots, or dates, or anything; we start by sorting. The same is possible in R. We do this using the arrange function.

In this example, we will be sorting by bill length in an increasing order (smallest to largest). Notice here that R will default to the order of small-large with the arrange function.

# select() and arrange()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% 
  arrange(bill_length_mm) #I want to look at bill length in an increasing order from      smallest to largest 
# A tibble: 344 × 3
   species bill_length_mm  year
   <fct>            <dbl> <int>
 1 Adelie            32.1  2009
 2 Adelie            33.1  2008
 3 Adelie            33.5  2008
 4 Adelie            34    2008
 5 Adelie            34.1  2007
 6 Adelie            34.4  2007
 7 Adelie            34.5  2008
 8 Adelie            34.6  2007
 9 Adelie            34.6  2008
10 Adelie            35    2008
# ℹ 334 more rows

In this example, we will be sorting by bill length in a decreasing order (largest to smallest). Notice here, we need the arrange function to tell R we will be changing the order. Once that command is established, we can further command the order.

In this example, I use the arrange function, followed by the desc function (descending), commanding the order of bill length to go from big to small values.

# select(), arrange(), and desc()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% 
  arrange(desc(bill_length_mm)) #using the desc() function to command the order from      largest to smallest 
# A tibble: 344 × 3
   species   bill_length_mm  year
   <fct>              <dbl> <int>
 1 Gentoo              59.6  2007
 2 Chinstrap           58    2007
 3 Gentoo              55.9  2009
 4 Chinstrap           55.8  2009
 5 Gentoo              55.1  2009
 6 Gentoo              54.3  2008
 7 Chinstrap           54.2  2008
 8 Chinstrap           53.5  2008
 9 Gentoo              53.4  2009
10 Chinstrap           52.8  2008
# ℹ 334 more rows

Now, let’s say we want to see bill length in the same descending order, but we want to order this by year. This is done with a very simple addition to our arrange() section. To accomplish this, we add the year variable first (remembering the the default for arrange is small-large) followed by the bill length command (which is the same as the previous example.)

# select() and arrange()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% 
  arrange(year, desc(bill_length_mm)) #year and bill separated by a comma
# A tibble: 344 × 3
   species   bill_length_mm  year
   <fct>              <dbl> <int>
 1 Gentoo              59.6  2007
 2 Chinstrap           58    2007
 3 Chinstrap           52.7  2007
 4 Chinstrap           52    2007
 5 Chinstrap           52    2007
 6 Chinstrap           51.7  2007
 7 Chinstrap           51.3  2007
 8 Chinstrap           51.3  2007
 9 Chinstrap           51.3  2007
10 Chinstrap           50.6  2007
# ℹ 334 more rows


Within R, we also have the ability to subset out data sets and pull out rows with specific values. Let’s say I only want to look at data from 2007. To accomplish this, we will use the filter function.

In this example, we will be adding the filter function as well as recall our knowledge of operators within R.

# select() and filter()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, bill_depth_mm, year) %>% 
  filter(year == 2007) #using the '==' operator to show everything with the year 2007
# A tibble: 110 × 4
   species bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm  year
   <fct>            <dbl>         <dbl> <int>
 1 Adelie            39.1          18.7  2007
 2 Adelie            39.5          17.4  2007
 3 Adelie            40.3          18    2007
 4 Adelie            NA            NA    2007
 5 Adelie            36.7          19.3  2007
 6 Adelie            39.3          20.6  2007
 7 Adelie            38.9          17.8  2007
 8 Adelie            39.2          19.6  2007
 9 Adelie            34.1          18.1  2007
10 Adelie            42            20.2  2007
# ℹ 100 more rows

What if I want to see which penguins have bill lengths that are higher than the average length, but only from 2007? This can be accomplished by, again, adding an operator, but also calling another function. We will command R further with mean function from base R. Notice I am separating each line in the filter function with a comma. This allows me to add multiple commands within the same function.

# select(), filter(), and mean()

penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% 
    year == 2007,#using the '==' operator to show everything with the year 2007
    bill_length_mm > mean(bill_length_mm), # using '>' to view every row where the bill length is greater than the avg bill length 
# A tibble: 0 × 3
# ℹ 3 variables: species <fct>, bill_length_mm <dbl>, year <int>

Let’s say we are interested in manipulating our data set by species.
I want to know how many species I have to further filter this set. To accomplish this, I will use the the count function to view how many species I have and their associated values within the data set.

# count()
penguins %>% 
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  species       n
  <fct>     <int>
1 Adelie      152
2 Chinstrap    68
3 Gentoo      124

It appears there are three species within my data set. For one reason or another, I want to filter out Adelie from further interpretations. To do this, I will add another line below the bill length filter.

This new line says when species equals Chinstrap OR Gentoo, keep them in the data set.

# select() and filter()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% 
    year == 2007,#using the '==' operator to show everything with the year 2007
    bill_length_mm > mean(bill_length_mm),# using '>' to view every row where the bill length is greater than the avg bill length
    species == "Chinstrap" | species == "Gentoo" # look in species and pull out chinstrap and gentoo. | allows to command two species, similar to 'or'
# A tibble: 0 × 3
# ℹ 3 variables: species <fct>, bill_length_mm <dbl>, year <int>

Another way to accomplish the same task is to tell R which values to exclude, rather than include. This is done by using the ‘does not equal’ operator to command R to return every species value that is not Adelie.

# select () and filter()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% 
    year == 2007,#using the '==' operator to show everything with the year 2007
    bill_length_mm > mean(bill_length_mm),# using '>' to view every row where the bill length is greater than the avg bill length 
    species != "Adelie" #does not equal operator
# A tibble: 0 × 3
# ℹ 3 variables: species <fct>, bill_length_mm <dbl>, year <int>
#the output is the same!

Now that we only the data we want to see, let’s create some new columns and row values. Let’s say we want to add a new column combining species and year and a new column with the rounded values of bill length. We will be using the mutate function here. Along with this, we then want to rearrange our data set for viewing purposes of our new variables. This will be done with the select function.

In this example, I have created the column ‘sp_year’ which will contain both species and year, but keep their respective values separated by a dash. I then created a new column of the rounded bill length values using the round function. Notice with these new columns, the first step is to name the new column and then command R what to put in. Lastly, using the select function, I command R to order this data set as follows.

# select(), mutate(), select()
penguins %>%
  select(species, bill_length_mm, year) %>% 
  mutate( #mutate()
    sp_year = paste(species, "-", year), #adding a new column named 'sp_year' and pasting the species column and year column with a dash between them. 
    rn_bill_length_mm = round(bill_length_mm) #creating a column of rounded bill lengths 
  ) %>% 
  select(species, year, sp_year, bill_length_mm, rn_bill_length_mm) #placing these new columns an order I would like 
# A tibble: 344 × 5
   species  year sp_year       bill_length_mm rn_bill_length_mm
   <fct>   <int> <chr>                  <dbl>             <dbl>
 1 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           39.1                39
 2 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           39.5                40
 3 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           40.3                40
 4 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           NA                  NA
 5 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           36.7                37
 6 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           39.3                39
 7 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           38.9                39
 8 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           39.2                39
 9 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           34.1                34
10 Adelie   2007 Adelie - 2007           42                  42
# ℹ 334 more rows


Now that we are confident in our wrangling, we can investigate some summary statistics.

First, let’s look at the means and standard deviations of both bill length and depth. This will be done by name new columns and then using either the mean function or sd function to produce a desired output.

# summarize ()
penguins %>% 
  summarize( #summarize to run summary stats 
  bill_length_mean = mean(bill_length_mm), #new column with mean value of bill length
  bill_length_sd = sd(bill_length_mm), #new column with standard deviation value of bill length
  bill_depth_mean = mean(bill_depth_mm), #new column with mean value of bill depth
  bill_depth_sd = sd(bill_depth_mm) #new column with standard deviation value of bill depth
# A tibble: 1 × 4
  bill_length_mean bill_length_sd bill_depth_mean bill_depth_sd
             <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>         <dbl>
1               NA             NA              NA            NA

The last output was informative, but lets look a little deeper. I now want to group these new values by species. Using the group_by function, we can tell R to group our data set by one, or more variables.

In this example, I am telling R to group_by species, and then provide me with the means and standard deviations of bill length and depth.

# group_by() and summarize()
penguins %>% 
  group_by(species) %>% #grouping by one column, species 
  summarize( #summarize to run summary stats 
    bill_length_mean = mean(bill_length_mm), #new column with mean value of bill length
    bill_length_sd = sd(bill_length_mm), #new column with standard deviation value of bill length
    bill_depth_mean = mean(bill_depth_mm), #new column with mean value of bill depth
    bill_depth_sd = sd(bill_depth_mm) #new column with standard deviation value of bill depth
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  species   bill_length_mean bill_length_sd bill_depth_mean bill_depth_sd
  <fct>                <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Adelie                NA            NA               NA           NA   
2 Chinstrap             48.8           3.34            18.4          1.14
3 Gentoo                NA            NA               NA           NA   

Following the trend of the last example, let’s further group our data set. I want to now see these same values but by species AND year. Using the group_by function again, we can accomplish this.

In this example, the only change is I added ‘, year’ into my group_by function.

# group_by() and summarize()
penguins %>% 
  group_by(species, year) %>% #grouping by two columns, species and year 
  summarize( #summarize to run summary stats 
    bill_length_mean = mean(bill_length_mm), #new column with mean value of bill length
    bill_length_sd = sd(bill_length_mm), #new column with standard deviation value of bill length
    bill_depth_mean = mean(bill_depth_mm), #new column with mean value of bill depth
    bill_depth_sd = sd(bill_depth_mm) #new column with standard deviation value of bill depth
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'species'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 9 × 6
# Groups:   species [3]
  species    year bill_length_mean bill_length_sd bill_depth_mean bill_depth_sd
  <fct>     <int>            <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Adelie     2007             NA            NA               NA          NA    
2 Adelie     2008             38.6           2.98            18.2         1.09 
3 Adelie     2009             39.0           2.56            18.1         1.24 
4 Chinstrap  2007             48.7           3.47            18.5         1.00 
5 Chinstrap  2008             48.7           3.62            18.4         1.40 
6 Chinstrap  2009             49.1           3.10            18.3         1.10 
7 Gentoo     2007             47.0           3.27            14.7         0.908
8 Gentoo     2008             46.9           2.64            14.9         0.985
9 Gentoo     2009             NA            NA               NA          NA    

8.3 Practice on your own

First, take the penguins_raw data set and get it as close to the cleaned data set, penguins, as you can. Use the methods we went over in this section, and apply changes where needed. Hint, the is.na section is already done. Once complete, continue to the next practice assignment.

Now that we have worked through some examples with Palmer Penguins, let’s try and work through a data set of our own.

Attached here is a Slug data set.

Remember, you will need to import this file into R in the correct format!

Your task is to [1] input it into R, [2] investigate the variables and classes of these variables, [3] produce an output using each of the functions we just covered, [4] and at least one example where you use select, rename, arrange, filter, mutate, and group_by in the same command line. In part 3, for each change to the data set, save the changed data set as a new object. For part 4, save this object as, ‘Final_Changes’. If you conduct more than one iteration of part 4, add the associated number at the end of each name. For example, Final_Changes_1, Final_Changes_2, etc.