4  Basic functionality

4.1 Shortcuts, arithmetic commands, logic, and other helpful tools



Task Windows & Linux Mac
Run Ctrl + Enter Cmd + Return

Shortcuts for editing

Task Windows & Linux Mac
Copy Ctrl + C Cmd + C
Paste Ctrl + V Cmd + V
Undo Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z Cmd + Shift + Z
Select All Ctrl + A Cmd + A
Indent Tab Tab
Outdent Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Insert pipe operator Cmd + Shift + M Cmd + Shift + M

Arithmetic operators

Task Operator Example
Addition + x + y
Substraction - x - y
Multiplication * x * y
Division / x / y
Exponent ^ x ^ y

Logic commands

Task Operator Example
Equal == x == y
Not equal != x != y
Greater than > x > y
Less than < x < y
Greater than or equal to >= x >= y
Less than or equal to <= x <= y

Other important operators

Task Operator Example
Call for the help menu for the respective function ? ?mean
Assigning a name or value <- Name <- "Chop"
To access one variable in a data set $ DataSet$IWantThisColumn
Searching or calling exact characters "" "Chop Spring"
Concatenate (c), combines arguments, both numbers or words, into a vector c() Name <- c("Jared", "Daniel", "Chop") Numbers <- c(1,2,3)
Another form of concatenation used when writing long scripts of code which span multiple lines + This line + this line too